
Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan

by - May 12, 2019

Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan (The Wildlife Park and Culture of Kinantan) or commonly called the Kebun Binatang (Zoo) is the oldest zoo park in Indonesia. It is said that he was built around the 1900s.

The initial development of the idea of ​​a controleur of the Dutch East Indies who served in Fort de Kock, named Gravenzanden. Gravenzanden was very impressed with the panoramic beauty of the Bukit Malambuang (now Cubadak Bungkuak) which is directly opposite the Jirek hill, the location of Benteng Fort de Kock is located. So that at its inception, it was intended as a flower garden.

Until finally in 1929, it began to be developed as a Kebun Binatang Bukittinggi or had a Dutch name as Fort de Kocksche Dieren Park. In order to add to the collection, the management exchanged animals with the Soerabaiasche Planten-en Dierentuin (Surabaya Zoo) so that they got the Eastern Indonesian fauna species in 1933 ago.

When the period of Japanese occupation colonized Indonesia, Dai Nippon's army apparently did not care about this Bukittinggi Zoo. So that most of the animals are not well cared for and die because they are neglected.

Even some of the existing facilities were converted to meet the military needs of Japanese soldiers at that time. Since Indonesia gained independence, this location had changed to the Youngest Puti Park and finally since 1995 it was officially referred to as the Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan

Bukittinggi Zoo is located on the Cubadak Bungkuak hill. Not only as one of the tourist sites containing various of the oldest animals in Indonesia, the fauna collection here is very much and is considered the most complete in Sumatra.

When visiting here, you will be treated to views of the hills with extraordinary stretches of nature starting from Mount Singgalang, Sago, Marapi and of course Ngarai Sianok.

Because of its location in the city center, the distance not far from the Clock Tower makes Bukittinggi Zoo very accessible. With a very cheap entrance ticket price of IDR 10,000 for adults, the quality of animal collections is very well maintained and maintained.

You can find tigers, elephants, zebras, deer, antelope, various types of snakes and birds, crocodiles and monkeys. What's more, this Kinantan Wildlife and Cultural Park has a zoological museum as a collection of extinct rare animals and aquarium palaces as a collection of domestic and foreign ornamental fish.

If you visit the Bukittinggi Zoo, don't forget to also see the beauty of the Baanjuang Traditional House (Rumah Gadang) with the elevated Gajah Maharam. Has nine rooms with platforms on the right and left, this building was built in 1935 ago.

In this traditional house, you can enjoy and learn about the traditional culture of the Minangkabau people. In the Rumah Adat Baanjuang, which has a gonjong Gajah Maharam roof, there are various collections of cultural and historical relics. There are stunning Minang jewelry and art tools. The existence of the Jembatan Limpapeh that connects this place with Benteng Fort de Kock is indeed able to boost the number of tourists who come to the tourist's two favorite locations. (*)

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