
Goa Jepang

by - July 01, 2019

Goa Jepang is a silent witness to the history of colonialism or Japanese occupation that still remains today in Indonesia. This cave was used by the Japanese army as a place of defense for Japanese troops in Bukittinggi around 1942-1945.

This underground bunker was used to store ammunition, shelter, meeting rooms, detention rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, courtrooms, torture halls, spies, ambush rooms, and escape gates.


Geographically, the existence of Japanese Goa or Japanese Hole is located in Bukittinggi Sianok Hill, which is in the tourist area of ​​Bukittinggi Panorama Park, West Sumatra. Japanese Panorama and Goa Parks are on Jalan Panorama, Bukittinggi.

Tourist attraction

Access to Goa Japan is through the entrance to the Panorama park. Although previously there were two other entrances, namely the direction of the Ngarai Sianok road and the side of the Bung Hatta palace. But now the two entrances have been closed. Goa, made by the entrance of the Bukittinggi Japanese hole in West Sumatra, is about 1.5 kilometers in size, but for the sake of security, only 750 meters is permitted for tourists to enter. Take it easy, with that size, you will be satisfied to look at the whole cave with the nuances of past colonialism, which as if we can feel real. With a semicircular cavity with a height of about two meters, except for a few cavities, making visitors forced to bend to pass.

Although the term Goa gives the impression of horror, but you will still feel safe when you step into this cave. Because now the diameter of the hall measuring 3 to 4 m is lit by neon on each side. It's just that, even though it's been cemented and given a puving block on some of its floors, the walls are retained as they were originally, which are textured bulkheads that were originally intended as sound echo silencers in the cave. The impression of colonialism is getting stronger if you pay attention to the former strokes of weapons that adorn the walls.

Before you can get your feet in the cave, you will be taken down 132 stairs first. Need extra caution here because the stairs are quite steep.

The estimated depth of the cave from ground level is 40 m in length and Although the term Goa gives the impression of horror, you will still feel safe when you step into this cave. Because now the diameter of the hall measuring 3 to 4 m is lit by neon on each side. It's just that, even though it's been cemented and given a puving block on some of its floors, the walls are retained as they were originally, which are textured bulkheads that were originally intended as sound echo silencers in the cave.

The impression of colonialism is getting stronger if you pay attention to the former strokes of weapons that adorn the walls. Before you can get your feet in the cave, you will be taken down 132 stairs first. Need extra caution here because the stairs are quite steep. The approximate depth of this cave from the ground surface is 40 m with the length and width of the aisle around 1470 m and 2 m. As befits a sanctuary, you will find spaces such as ammunition storage rooms, courtrooms in more positions in caves, detention rooms, kitchen rooms with reconnaissance holes at the top and a small hole just below it. It is said that history reveals that this place used to store the bodies of prisoners who died of torture in prison.

The end of the cave canal leads to the Sianok River. The atmosphere here is enough to make you shudder. Next, you will meet an ambush room in the main hallway. Along the hallway, you can see four other aisles as a way out later after you are satisfied exploring Goa Japan. Arriving at the end, you are faced with a hallway of military barracks.

Finally, you should not escape through the ammunition hallway and hallway with an uphill position as your exit. The width of the aisle is around 1470 m and 2 m. As befits a sanctuary, you will find spaces such as ammunition storage rooms, courtrooms in more positions in caves, detention rooms, kitchen rooms with reconnaissance holes at the top and a small hole just below it. It is said that history reveals that this place used to store the bodies of prisoners who died of torture in prison.

The end of the cave canal leads to the Sianok River. The atmosphere here is enough to make you shudder. Next, you will meet an ambush room in the main hallway. Along the hallway, you can see four other aisles as a way out later after you are satisfied exploring Goa Japan. Arriving at the end, you are faced with a hallway of military barracks. Finally, you should not escape through the ammunition hallway and hallway with an uphill position as your exit.

Population legend

The history of the formation of Goa Japan is certainly not something foreign to us because of course we used to learn about its history when we were in school. The existence of Goa Japan is indeed as one of the proofs and witnesses of the struggle of our heroes in gaining independence and defending Indonesia. The existence of Goa Japan in Bukittinggi is also no coincidence. Its strategic location in the middle of Sumatra Island, made the City once a Japanese Army Defense Command Center in Sumatra (Seiko Sikikan Kakka). Japanese forces were then under the leadership of General Watanabe.

This cave also functions for kitchen rooms, dining rooms, ammunition storage, barracks, hospitals, courtrooms, with a total of 27 complete complex rooms. In fact, the floor plan was printed on the entrance wall. Indonesian prisoners are forced to cruelly work on this excavation of Goa. In fact, not a few were killed due to the torture of forced labor in the making of Goa Japan.


Located in Bukit Sianok, Kota Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra. You can walk from the city center. Located about 3 km from the city center.


From Padang the trip can be taken for 2 hours to Bukittinggi using public transportation or private transportation. Arriving in Bukittinggi, those who use public transportation will continue to transport the destination city of Japan. For those who use private vehicles can immediately proceed to the Japanese Hole.

Entrance ticket

The price of admission to Japanese Holes for children is Rp. 5000, - and for adults Rp. 8000, -.


The Japanese hole is located in the middle of the city of Bukittinggi, tourists who want to spend the night can stay at lodging or hotels in the city area. Many choices of places to stay. Starting from holtel jasmine to star hotels.

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